Terms of Service

Power Wagon Advertiser Forums are dedicated to cultivating a friendly, courteous on-line community, where participants can feel comfortable at all times. To create such a positive atmosphere, it will be necessary for users to abide by certain rules. Violation of the rules may be subject to a range of responses, from a warning to being subject to a permanent ban from the forums.

Users are solely responsible for protecting their accounts from others. Choose a password that is hard to guess. Do not give your password to others. Users that are found to be sharing accounts and passwords with others will be banned from these forums.

Although disagreement is imaginable, overt displays of anger and hostility will not be permitted. If you are an experienced  part of the internet environment, you may be familiar with the term flaming. In general, to flame someone is to insult them. Flaming is not permitted.

Winston Churchill was known for plain language. What I am saying to you is this: Be polite, be fair, and play nice. Don't use foul language. Don't be vulgar, obscene, sexist, racist, or insulting in any way. Don't bait people by being antagonistic. Don't use these forums inappropriately to promote businesses or services, rather than legitimately using available advertising services available through this website.  The administration of this board reserves the right to make all decisions pertaining to participant behavior, and possible exclusion from these forums.

These forums are programmed to identify a list of words that are considered to be vulgar and inappropriate. Users will not be allowed to post these words. Any attempt to bypass the censor mechanism by misspelling, inserting multiples of the letter x or some punctuation character, inserting spaces or symbols, transposing letters, or any other method, is not allowed. Prohibited words are not allowed in subject titles. Any users attempting to bypass the censor mechanism, directly or by oblique implication, will certainly be  warned, their posts deleted, and very possibly said users will be banned permanently. Administrative action in such matters is not subject to review or appeal.

Do not post in ALL CAPS, and do not post in aLtErnAtE cAps. Such posting is  considered disruptive and intentionally irritating, and will not be tolerated. The material that is easiest to read will be that material that is conventionally capitalized, such as you would find in any book or newspaper.

The written word lacks inflection. The reader cannot see the expression on your face, nor can the reader intuit the spirit of your remarks. Subtle nuance  is not evident in the typical written phrase. Write your posts, replies, messages, with crystal clarity uppermost in your mind, so as to avoid problems.

Anyone who intentionally or repeatedly interferes with the intended spirit and purpose of these forums will be banned. Administrative decisions regarding user behavior are not subject to review. Posting private information about other users is unacceptable.

It is unacceptable to impersonate any other user, or by using a name that is intended to impersonate, mock, or antagonize any other user or group of users.

It is illegal for a user to post any content that is copyrighted or trademarked, unless that user holds the copyright or trademark. Any time a user paraphrases an original work, it is the best and most conservative thing to cite and credit the original source.

Users are allowed to place images in their posts. In addition to observing copyright restrictions that prevent the posting of copyrighted images, it is important to note that users may not under any circumstances post images that are sexual or otherwise offensive in nature. Users are advised not to post links to images hosted elsewhere, due to the possibility of those images being copyrighted or offensive. If the images hosted elsewhere are the property of the user, then such images may be linked.

Any links deemed to be pornographic, offensive in any way, copyrighted, or otherwise inappropriate in any way, can be removed immediately at the discretion of the administrator of these forums.

Any user who feels a message, post, or thread is objectionable is encouraged to immediately contact a forum moderator or administrator. This is a manual process, so please realize that a moderator or administrator may not be able to remove or edit content immediately.

Any actual deletion or modification of content will be done to ensure the maintenance of a healthy, positive environment for all users to enjoy. Decisions about deleted or modified  content are not open for debate. Administration may choose to offer explanatory comment if it is  thought to be desirable or appropriate.

Power Wagon Advertiser forums reserves the right to deny membership or access to anyone thought to be abusing the privilege of forum use, or otherwise exploiting it in ways that are detrimental to forum users, or the Power Wagon Advertiser Forums.

Any person making a post to these forums shall be referred to in this coverage of copyright and granted permissions as the author of the text contained in the post.

The term post is defined as the text and/or image(s) entered in a forum by an author.

The term thread is a group of two or more posts pertaining to the topic found in the subject line or title of the thread formed by the assembly of multiple posts.

Whenever an author posts to the forums, he or she holds the copyright to the text and/or image(s) contained in his or her post, providing that post is not in violation of any other copyright. As the copyright holder of posted text and/or image(s), an author may reproduce his or her posts, and only his or her posts. Threads composed of multiple posts by a single author, and including the work of no other authors, shall be copyrighted to the author posting the text and/or image(s).

Threads of two or more posts by multiple authors are copyrighted to the Power Wagon Advertiser forums, and may not be reproduced as threads for any purpose or in any manner without the express, written permission of Gordon Maney and the Power Wagon Advertiser Forums. Any permitted reproduction shall necessarily include provision of attribution to the authors.

By performing the act of posting on these forums, an author grants the Power Wagon Advertiser Forums, the Power Wagon Advertiser, and Gordon Maney Publishing, royalty-free, perpetual, and irrevocable rights to use the posted text and/or image(s) in any way, worldwide, and to include the posted text and/or image(s) in any sort of medium now known or subsequently developed.

This permitted use shall include provision of attribution to the authors of the post(s). Authors wishing to best ensure copyright protection of their material shall use their proper name in posting, not a chosen screen or user name.

Examples of possible subsequent reproduction of text and/or image(s) in posts and threads include an assembly of the best threads or posts in an identified time period, or individual threads or posts considered to be of significant merit. Reproduced posts or threads could be included in a separate forum designated for particularly valuable content, publication in the Power Wagon Advertiser, or in printed or other media produced and distributed by Gordon Maney Publishing.

Businesses may not use these content-specific forums to promote themselves, their merchandise, products, or services. Businesses having interest in advertising on the Power Wagon Advertiser website should contact the site directly by e-mail to discuss these issues.

Owners and employees of businesses, their affiliates or subcontractors may certainly be registered users of these forums and enjoy full use of them. Such individuals just may not abuse those privileges by inappropriately promoting said businesses.

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