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Carby Problems

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  • Carby Problems

    Hi All,
    I have a 230 cubic inch engine with a carter E7T2 carby. I have had the carby apart several times but when the truck is at idle it is over fueling, black smoke out the tail pipe. There is next to no adjustment for the air idle bypass adjustment. Any suggestions.

    The truck should be out of the shed next weekend, off to a show at Beenleigh, south of Brisbane Australia. I will take a heap of photos to try and show the differences between my Australian assembeled PW and the U.S. P.W.

  • #2
    I am understanding you to say that it runs rich at idle and the idle mixture screw has no effect.

    Although it is remotely possible the idle port(s) on the surface of the air horn, at the level of the edge of the throttle vale, from the idle mixture circuit are damaged and oversized, I doubt it. It seems much more likely that the float level is too high.

    Have you made any adjustment there? Did this formerly run OK?
    Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

    Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


    • #3
      Make sure the needle valve is in good condition and not leaking. If the truck runs well at speed, there's a good chance there's a problem with the float or needle valve.


      • #4

        Let me start at the begining....

        The truck sat in a shed for about 30 years with the oil bath air filter off.

        One of the pistons had seized so i removed the head and was able to free the piston, the bore cleaned up realy well, good compresson on all cylinders considering age of truck.

        I had some problems with the electrics, the truck has Lucas electrics due being assembleed in Australia. The distributor cap is off a Jag and the pionts are from a bedford van. I believe the engine to be a 230 cubic inch KEW motor, not sure what the differences are with the U.S. engine but the gauges, lights, distributor and starter are all branded Lucas with 12 volt positive earth.

        The problem now is in the carby, I think.

        I have checked the float level and the bowl is about half full, the power valve is working closing off the extra fuel at idel, I was able to run the truck with the top off. If the needle and seat were not closing the fuel bowl would be over full. I can see the black smoke out the tail pipe, unburnt fuel.

        Does anyone know the correct main jet size for the E7T2 carter carby and where I can buy a carby kit? Some retailers won't ship to Australia.

        Thank you for your advice and help, Adam


        • #5
          Originally posted by Aussie Dodge View Post
          Let me start at the begining....

          The truck sat in a shed for about 30 years with the oil bath air filter off.

          One of the pistons had seized so i removed the head and was able to free the piston, the bore cleaned up realy well, good compresson on all cylinders considering age of truck.

          I had some problems with the electrics, the truck has Lucas electrics due being assembleed in Australia. The distributor cap is off a Jag and the pionts are from a bedford van. I believe the engine to be a 230 cubic inch KEW motor, not sure what the differences are with the U.S. engine but the gauges, lights, distributor and starter are all branded Lucas with 12 volt positive earth.

          The problem now is in the carby, I think.

          I have checked the float level and the bowl is about half full, the power valve is working closing off the extra fuel at idel, I was able to run the truck with the top off. If the needle and seat were not closing the fuel bowl would be over full. I can see the black smoke out the tail pipe, unburnt fuel.

          Does anyone know the correct main jet size for the E7T2 carter carby and where I can buy a carby kit? Some retailers won't ship to Australia.

          Thank you for your advice and help, Adam
          You were able to run the engine with the top of the carburetor off?
          Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

          Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


          • #6
            Top off carby

            Yes I had it running, blocked off a air tube with a finger.

            Still the same, runs rich and fuel level is about half in the bowl.



            • #7
              Try looking thru the carburetor spec sheets here- .

              The float level on this carb is 5/64" from the the bowl gasket surface to the top of the floats. It's measured with a straightedge gauge that has two 5/64" projections that just touch the float tops at proper float height. You have to use a finger to press the float shaft down AND to pull the float backwards til the needle seats. Just looking at the gas level won't help much.

              These carbs have a "Step up Jet" circuit that comes in to assist the accel pump shot, there is no Power Valve. Step up jet dia is .0413". The main jet is gauged by flow, not by dia, 315-319 cc/min.

              The Idle Circuit hole is between .053-.057" dia- it's possible, but unlikely it's been opened up, if it has, you'll likely be looking for another carb. Idle Screw adjustment between 1/2- 1 1/2 turns out to set idle to 450-500 rpm. On a tired engine with low oil pressure, set around 700 rpm to insure adequate bottom end oiling. HTH


              • #8

                Thank you for the Carby specs, very helpful.
                Can you still buy new new main jets and step-up jets?
                It is very hard to find information in OZ.
                Thanks for the help


                • #9
                  I have heard, but not confirmed, that the main jets are also used in gas grill burners- don't know which make.

                  I had to do a little research program when 10% Ethanol gas came in- I was running much too lean on the stock jetting. The only retail source I could find was the Carb Shop in Eldon, Missouri (USA)- their rebuild kit was very complete with step up and main jet, but was also quite expensive at $120 US.

                  I also found a source in Pennsylvania (USA)- an old time Dodge racer and flathead mechanic who sent me some jets as a personal favor. He does set up these carbs for multiple installations, which requires jetting them down. Don't know if he'd sell just the jets. HTH.

                  Another thing to check on would be your float- if it's sinking due to a leak, it would overfuel also.

