Finally, after four months I've got a running engine! I put all the pieces back together and got her running as a complete engine for the first time in 22 years. Pretty amazing, purrs like a kitten.
She idles great. The new radiator functions awesome, was 90 today when I ran it. After idling for 30 minutes, with some fast idling, the temp gauge barely moved. It has 30% more cooling tubes in it than original yet retains the original look. I thought that might come in handy here in Phoenix.
There is some smoke from the Marvel Mystery Oil that drained into the exhaust ports. :) But, it isn't as bad as I expected and will wear off in time.
So, after installing new water pump, new distribution tube, new mechanical fuel pump, new stainless gas tank, gas inline filters, rehabed carb, overhauled generator, new optima 6v battery, new marine grade 2/0 battery cables, six blade fan, re-cored radiator, and new hoses, she runs.
Oh, and after the 30 minute run, the fuel color cleared up with no debris visible in the filter bowls.
Now on to the brakes...
She idles great. The new radiator functions awesome, was 90 today when I ran it. After idling for 30 minutes, with some fast idling, the temp gauge barely moved. It has 30% more cooling tubes in it than original yet retains the original look. I thought that might come in handy here in Phoenix.
There is some smoke from the Marvel Mystery Oil that drained into the exhaust ports. :) But, it isn't as bad as I expected and will wear off in time.
So, after installing new water pump, new distribution tube, new mechanical fuel pump, new stainless gas tank, gas inline filters, rehabed carb, overhauled generator, new optima 6v battery, new marine grade 2/0 battery cables, six blade fan, re-cored radiator, and new hoses, she runs.
Oh, and after the 30 minute run, the fuel color cleared up with no debris visible in the filter bowls.
Now on to the brakes...
