I'm making a mental list of "need to does" before heading into the hills to winch out some more firewood.
I'd like to replace the rad hoses or at least have them on hand if one springs a leak. Trying to recall if they are all straight hoses I can buy in length from NAPA or if any are specialy type?
I'm thinking they're all straight but its parked up in the barn and I've not trudged up there with a flashlight to check yet. Thought someone may remember offhand?
Parden my laziness but thanks,
I'd like to replace the rad hoses or at least have them on hand if one springs a leak. Trying to recall if they are all straight hoses I can buy in length from NAPA or if any are specialy type?
I'm thinking they're all straight but its parked up in the barn and I've not trudged up there with a flashlight to check yet. Thought someone may remember offhand?
Parden my laziness but thanks,