Yes stolen.My '47 PW and my '47 1 ton pickup were recently stolen from the storage area where I was keeping them.The guy watching the lot said someone showed up one day with a trailer and said that I sent him there to get them.Sounded fishey to me but that is what he told me happened.I think he got tired of looking at them and got rid of them.I filed a report with the Sherriff but they are not known for being on the ball.So if anybody out there in Northeast Ohio gets wind of someone with two old trucks,or someone looking for parts that fits the description of these let me or the Stark County Sherriff know about it.The phone at the Sherriff is 330-430-3800.If you need more info on these trucks post it here or call me at 330-877-2076 and leave a message.Thanks everyone and wish me luck.
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Yes I have photos of the trucks.I will get them in probably next weekend.The WDX is red with black fenders and a green interior.It has a steel flatbed with a rollbar/pipe rack behind the cab.It has an MU-2 winch on the front and the interior is gutted.The WD-21 is a brown rust color with a 9' pickup bed,no tailgate,no headlights,and single rear wheels.The gauges are still in but the seat is missing.It had lettering on the doors from Illinois.Thanks.
What part of stark county are you in? I live in West Lebanon (near Mt Eaton). I've got friends in S.W. stark county, I can have them watch too. Just to forewarn you, my '53 is almost identical. Only two differences I read was my interior is brown and all there, and my steel bed (with pipe rack) has a wood floor in it. Please email me at .
Roy FranksLast edited by b4pw; 05-08-2005, 10:42 AM.
Sorry I haven't responded sooner.We recently moved and I don't have a computer so I have to go to my mothers house.I live in Northeast Stark County,Marlboro Twp. to be exact.I have pictures of both trucks and will have them scanned soon.The steel in my bed is half missing.It was diamond plate.The '47 gauges are different than your B-series.[IMG][URL=][IMG]URL][/IMG][IMG][IMG]IMG] [IMG][IMG]IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG]
Last edited by greg rider; 07-17-2005, 01:40 PM.
Hi, I am new to the site. I saw this post and figured I would mention something that may be of interest. Don't get your hopes up though.
I live in NE Ohio, small town called Mesopotamia, NW corner of Trumbull county. A week an a half ago on the way to the AACA car show down in Warren, I saw in someone's driveway a rust/primer red rolling chassis and cab of a 46-68 1 ton Power Wagon. It looked to be in the project stage. For the most part it appeared to be complete, less the bed. Chances are it is not your rig, but if you want to turn over every stone, I can tell you where to find this place. Put a post in and let me know if you are interested. Old Power Wagons don't just show up everyday you know.
Sorry I have been so slow to respond.I have a new job that is very demanding but I love it.Yes I know where Mespo is,my dad lived in Champion and worked for Trumbull Co. Engineers Office. I think the person who stole them is more local,as they were able to get both trucks in one day.The guy that was watching them for me is gone possibly out of state.His son doesn't know where he is.I'm still looking though.Next step is probably reward in paper.Thanks for being patient.
Stark County Sherriff called a while ago to verify that the trucks were still missing.Um lets see,YES!!!! Sorry but I don't have a lot of respect for the Sherriff or his department. All they do is respond to calls and take a report.The few people they have for investigations are busy on higher priority cases,which means the other stuff gets shoved to the back burner.
Sorry that I get on my soap box, but if they don't know that they're still missing means I should be checking and report to them? I'm probably going to give up looking and write them off as gone and hope they are being treated well.
I have been looking at PW's on the net but can't afford anything right now. I got the Mack put in the garage for winter and I'll have more time to look at trucks now.Thanks for looking out and keep looking please!
Originally posted by greg riderStark County Sherriff called a while ago to verify that the trucks were still missing.Um lets see,YES!!!! Sorry but I don't have a lot of respect for the Sherriff or his department. All they do is respond to calls and take a report.The few people they have for investigations are busy on higher priority cases,which means the other stuff gets shoved to the back burner.
Sorry that I get on my soap box, but if they don't know that they're still missing means I should be checking and report to them? I'm probably going to give up looking and write them off as gone and hope they are being treated well.
I have been looking at PW's on the net but can't afford anything right now. I got the Mack put in the garage for winter and I'll have more time to look at trucks now.Thanks for looking out and keep looking please!
Did you ever post on Joe's site about this situation? Also, send me a note regardin this matter and I will publish it in the magazine.
The fascinating part of this is that such vehicles would not be stolen by an interstate car theft ring, as there would be no money in it for them. It is some hobbyist, even if it is a person with no scruples or morals.
Time wounds all heels.Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.
Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?