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De-mousing a cab

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  • #31
    Jim has one of the few indoor shooting ranges in CA...but just wait until his landlord finds out.......= )


    • #32
      Sounds like a plan, steve, see you soon> Note: the aliens have quite a sweet tooth and for some reason LOVE jelly donuts, so maybe toss a dozen or so in before you leave.

      Say, Gordon, on the meece's hanging out despite a shortage of food: They can get food anywhere with a short trip, but they want the nice cozy and warm security of buildings, and vehicles, for building nests! That's why they decimate upholstery, shred wiring, eat door panels etc. in preparation for their new family! Also buildings are often where the water is, even just a small little leak, another necessity of life for them.

      Those ultra-sonic repellers really work:


      • #33

        This prarie dog is all by it's lonesome. It had kinda moved into the back yard last autum (I think I even posted a picture of it here). It was all fat & sassy then. Now it's back & svete. We don't mind if it stays out back (as in way out back), but the front deck is off limits. I finally just got rid of the colony of chippermonks.

        With all the development goin on around here, the critters are gettin all wacked out. It's neat when the falcons & hawks come to visit, although one of my neighbors has been havin trouble with some great blue heron's and his coy pond. HA! If they stay out back, then they have to deal with the real dogs.



        • #34

          Hey Jimmie,

          Do The Ultrasonic Devices Work On This Kind Of Mouse?
          Attached Files


          • #35
            The ultrasonic devices work on all types of mice. Just keep them away from your computer.


            Copy of DeadMouse.jpg


            • #36
              Originally posted by OLD DODGE View Post
              Hey Jimmie,

              Do The Ultrasonic Devices Work On This Kind Of Mouse?
              Actually yes, they have ultrasonic repellents for a surprising large group of critters. I'm working on one right now for door to door salesmen,.... just needs 23,000 more volts........


              • #37
                Originally posted by NNICKB View Post
                The ultrasonic devices work on all types of mice. Just keep them away from your computer.


                That is funny! Sick, but funny!


                • #38
                  Do you have a wildlife rescue organization/sanctuary in the Chicago area?
                  I bet that there is such a place.
                  Around here, when someone has a wild animal they find or live trap, there are licensed/approved rescue people that take them to a wildlife sanctuary about 90 minutes up the road.


                  • #39
                    Hi Doc:

                    Yep, there are plenty of em. I really don't mind sharin the land with these critters, heck, it was theirs 1st. Sure beats the heck outa the rats & pigeons that I grew up with. HA! Seriously though, Uggville is about 1/2 mile freom a forest preserve, and this area was once very rural. It used to be considered the "Country".

                    Now, it has become one of the states "HOT SPOTS". The developement is totally insane. Where we live was once part of the biggest dairy farms in the area. I remember visiting it as a kid (back in prehistoric times). It's only a matter of time before we're absorbed into the town that surrounds us (even though the local politicians swear that won't happen).

                    I'm just lookin for a way to get this critter to stay away from under the front deck/porch. We used to have a herd of deer that roamed the sub division, but they're gone now. There's a family of ducks that come and visit a neighbor every year. It's kinda cool.

                    As far as that ultrasonic stuff, I have mixed views. Been usin em for years. It's like them invisible dog fences. If a dog really wants after something, that fence won't stop him from leaving, but it will stop him from coming back. Anywho, I plan on extending the deck in the next few weeks, so maybe I'll try some sorta barrier.



                    • #40
                      The ultrasonic is not at all like the dog fences. Those use a collar that gives the dog a shock if he passes a certain point.
                      The ultrasonic devices make a certain area inhabitable to various pests, because of the irritating radio frequency, that humans and pets cannot hear.
                      I was skeptical at first, but desperate for a solution as there were dozens of rodents who had taken up residence in our second and seldom used home. Within 24 hours they were gone and remain gone 4 years later with all devices working still to this least I think they are working as the red LED is on...but I can't get near something is driving me away.......


                      • #41

                        I know, I was just usin it as an example. Sometimes it works, some times it don't. Some times I can go in the room it's at, and some times I can't.



                        • #42
                          ha!ha! ouch! ha! ha! ouch! dang! ouch!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by NNICKB View Post
                            Gordon, I have to ask. Is this why the inside of your truck smells so good?
                            Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                            Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Gordon Maney View Post

                              Hi Gordon:

                              Come on, fess up. Ain't nuthin like the smell of stale mouse urine in the morin..... HA! Adds to the, er, um, PATINA, yeah, that's the word, patina of the cab. ;>) Well, time to go out & feed the yellow jakets again.



                              • #45
                                Ugg, the word is ambiance. Patina is a color, the odor is deadly, it carries the virus.
                                Too much odor and the patina of the driver is white......

