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Moving up in the world, paint booth

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  • #16
    How about Ron's Auto Metal + Restoration

    RAM restoration for short :)


    • #17
      Ron's Metalworks

      Ron's Body & Frame

      Ron is a pretty shy fellow, and modest, too. Having said all that, precisely because of his character and reputation, I vote strongly for name recognition.

      On a lighter note, how about Ron's Fill Dirt & Croissants? A diversified enterprise, leaving him open for a variety of possibilities.
      Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

      Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


      • #18
        Here is an idea for you....

        Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

        Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


        • #19
          THAT is to wild. How did you find that? Hope no one slaps him on the back so he inhales. I'll have to show that to my instructor Tom, he'll flip when he sees this.


          • #20
            When I was in college there were some students from Nigeria who told me they regularly spray painted bicycles and other things with hand pump bug sprayers. We got one and tried painting some 55 gallon drums as an experiment and had great success.

            Sprayers like this.
            Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

            Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


            • #21

              a friend of mine's father told me that when he was 16 he managed to obtain a spray gun and primer to paint his 50 ford, problem was that he had no compresser. His solution was to park along side the local gas station and connect the gun to the free air for your tires gizmo, the one that pumps for ten seconds then goes ding. he told me that timing was critical but once he got the hang of it the car came out ok. I love hearing these kind of stories from old guys.


              • #22
                Seems hard to believe there would be enough volume and pressure to run a spray gun but anything is possible after seeing Gordon's link.


                • #23
                  There are a lot of interesting ways to spray paint, with jury-rigged equipment. As they say, "Where there is a will, there is a way". That video of the guy painting by "mouth", really is something else.
                  I remember when I was a little kid, my Dad spray painted a bunch of rusty window screens with silver paint, using an Electrolux vacuum cleaner. The vacuum had a place to hook the hose to the exhaust on the vacuum. It even came with a spray gun/bottle that hooked to the hose. I later used it to paint an old bicycle. Worked great, but Mom got mad at me because I splattered some of the paint on her vacuum cleaner.


                  • #24
                    My dad bought my mom a Kirby vacuum sweeper when we were kids. He got suckered in for all the attachments including the knife sharpener. I found out years later my mom hated that sweeper.


                    • #25
                      How about..

                      Indiana Resto's by Ron?

                      Congrats on the new enterprise.


                      • #26
                        Update on the paint booth

                        Thanks Chewie. I finally got to spray some primer in my booth yesterday. It works as good as any commercial booth costing a lot more. I can see much better with the proper lighting now. The exhaust fan and heat worked great. I'm planning to spray paint this week after I block the panels I primed. This is one of the best additions to my shop in some time. One of these days when it warms up I'm going to try out my new Dustless Blaster and strip a truck. This piece will go hand in hand with the paint booth. Go to to see it in action. I have the DB150 model.


                        • #27
                          Nice Job on the booth Ron.
                          I too have seen the dustless blaster system.
                          Very impressing!
                          Let us know how that works out for you.
                          I for one am ready to retire my sand blasting equip. and try one.
                          WDX & Misc. Pics.
                          "47" Dodge WDX WW
                          "52" Dodge M-37 WW
                          "54" Willys M38A1
                          "65" Kaiser M35A1 WW
                          "77" Chev. K-30 400T,205,4.56 "No-Spin"
                          "84" Chev, K-30 Cummins 6-BTA 400,205,3.73Locker
                          "86" Chev, M1028A2 (K30) 6.2,400.205,4.56 Locker
                          "99" Dodge Durango "Limited Slip"
                          "99" Dodge 3500 CTD 4x4"No-Spin"


                          • #28
                            Tom, I'll give a full report once I get it up and blasting. It will really help my turn around on doing any project. I was even thinking about a demo at the Iowa rally keyword thinking. Just don't know if I could find anything to blast clean out there.


                            • #29
                              Oh, I got stuff to blast out here, Ron..

