It's that time of the year again where I'm using the B3 Power Wagon to haul split firewood from the log stack to the wood shed. What fun!!!!!
Anyway, I have a Stihl 041 AV Super, that's seeming a bit too small for the task at hand. I'm cutting up fir thats about 25"-30" across and Maple that's 12"-16" across. The little ol' Stihl does pretty good throwing the chips, but if I dig the spurs in the fir, it bogs down. If I dont dig the spurs in, it take forever and a day to get through. I've got a fresh tune up on it and the proper mix, I know the saw is running as optimally as it can. The chain is sharp
I also have a Pioneer "Farmsaw" that I actually like better than the Stihl. It seems to cut better. The chips just pour out the bottom! It is a bit heavier, and smaller engine (66ccm vs. 72ccm), but it does'nt bog down too bad. I hate to use it too much because if I ever break it, parts are non-existent.
So I'm thinking of stepping up to a bigger saw. The 044 is the next size up. My Dad has a 076 that's been "souped-up". It's just insane. I think I could put wheels on it and drive it to work. He let me use it once when we were clearing some dead trees out at his place. It's not a lot of fun to work with for very long.
I'm thinking of looking for a just a plain 056 Magnum to add to the lineup for the bigger stuff. I've read it's the lightest "production" saw they make. The used ones are popping up now and again for a pretty reasonable price and the local saw shop still has fair parts support. Anyone have any expirence and opinion about the 056? I will be using it just for annual firewood duty for my house and the single-mother of 2 next door. A new saw is not an option, and I dont want to borrow Dads saw. Besides he told me once when I was just looking over his 076 in his garage:
"Jonas, you know, theres two things I NEVER loan out.... My wife and my Chainsaw."
Words of wisdom. I have the same list, but also add my trailer as something to NEVER loan out.
Anyway, I have a Stihl 041 AV Super, that's seeming a bit too small for the task at hand. I'm cutting up fir thats about 25"-30" across and Maple that's 12"-16" across. The little ol' Stihl does pretty good throwing the chips, but if I dig the spurs in the fir, it bogs down. If I dont dig the spurs in, it take forever and a day to get through. I've got a fresh tune up on it and the proper mix, I know the saw is running as optimally as it can. The chain is sharp
I also have a Pioneer "Farmsaw" that I actually like better than the Stihl. It seems to cut better. The chips just pour out the bottom! It is a bit heavier, and smaller engine (66ccm vs. 72ccm), but it does'nt bog down too bad. I hate to use it too much because if I ever break it, parts are non-existent.
So I'm thinking of stepping up to a bigger saw. The 044 is the next size up. My Dad has a 076 that's been "souped-up". It's just insane. I think I could put wheels on it and drive it to work. He let me use it once when we were clearing some dead trees out at his place. It's not a lot of fun to work with for very long.
I'm thinking of looking for a just a plain 056 Magnum to add to the lineup for the bigger stuff. I've read it's the lightest "production" saw they make. The used ones are popping up now and again for a pretty reasonable price and the local saw shop still has fair parts support. Anyone have any expirence and opinion about the 056? I will be using it just for annual firewood duty for my house and the single-mother of 2 next door. A new saw is not an option, and I dont want to borrow Dads saw. Besides he told me once when I was just looking over his 076 in his garage:
"Jonas, you know, theres two things I NEVER loan out.... My wife and my Chainsaw."
Words of wisdom. I have the same list, but also add my trailer as something to NEVER loan out.
