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Eastern WA Rally in Omak Aug 7,8,9 &10

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  • Eastern WA Rally in Omak Aug 7,8,9 &10

    I have a few people interested in a Power Wagon Rally in Eastern Washington. Was planing it for the 7,8,9, &10th of August the weekend of the Stampedes Famose Suicide Race. The small town of town of Omak will be full of lots of people from all over the West. There is a Parade we can enter our trucks into, Rodeo, Suicide Race down a 60 deg hill accross a river and into the Areana. There is also a Indian Encampment ongoing during the long weekend. Omak has Motels of all different price ranges and camping nearby. You could leave your Towing Truck and Trailer at my 40 acre place 12 miles from the Stampede Grounds for safe keeping if needed. Plenty of places to drive in the country around here. Omak has the 4 days pretty well planed so it won't be boring and we can all get to gether at my place for ?? If your interested in coming please eMail me at;
    Let make it workand have a lot of trucks show up. You can allways Camp at my place in the Country with the Cows and other animals. Lot of things planed for the kids too! Thanks, Mark Hendershot
    Here is a link telling about the Stampede;

  • #2
    hey anyone gonna plan anything like this this summer or any offroading things

