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Question on Military Acronym

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  • Question on Military Acronym

    I know this may be out of place in this forum, but I was hoping someone would know this here. I recently purchased a 1977 M880 Dodge with markings on the bumpers from the Wyoming Army National Guard. On the designation tag on the dash, as well as on the underside of the hood and the bottom inside of both doors are the letters NGOTVF. My son is Wyoming Army National Guard and the best we can come up with is the NG is National Guard, and the TV Tactical Vehicle, anyone have any ideas on this? The truck does have the full blackout kit.

    Thanks, Milt

  • #2
    I have a '77 M882 with the NGONLG on the dash and the underside of the hood. I believe these are an army registration code and not an acronym, like a USA number on the earlier then later series vehicles. Every former National Guard M880 series truck I have seen has the code's first two letters NG and the rest of the letters were different on every truck, some included a number or two.


    • #3

      The number of individual characters limits the total of numeric combinations. For example, if you have only two spaces, the highest number combination is 99. If you have three spaces, the highest number combination is 999.

      Numbers repeat after 10. Alphabet letters repeat after 26. Using two spaces - a letter and a number - gives you 26 x 10 combinations. And you double that if you transpose the combination to a number followed by a letter. If you use two letters, there are 676 combinations available.

      Many computer programs used for inventory control are written with limits to the number of available spaces to have the program work faster and to reduce the amount of storage space required within the computer.

      Note that when counting THINGS, you start with "1" but in making mathematic computations, you start with "0" unless another convention is specified. That's why the 21st century started with January 1, 2001 making a joke out of the Y2K panic since there were 366 days in year 2000 before the turn of the century.

      In discussions of this topic on this and other forums, it has been reported that both regular Army and National Guard M880 series trucks had an alphanumeric registration number that started with "N". That may have been based on a decision to use "NXXXXX" for all Army contract M880's knowing that the number of trucks would never exceed the possible registration number combinations.


      • #4
        All I can add to that is,...that's a darn nice avatar photo...= )


        • #5
          Which One

          Am I missing something, again?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bruce View Post
            Am I missing something, again?

            Must be about Paul, looks great doesn't he.


            • #7

              I had my left knee scoped Thursday morning, that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it.
              Now I get it, Paul's Avatar does have a nice look to it.
              My knee is much better today & I'm almost weaned off the big "V".


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bruce View Post
                I had my left knee scoped Thursday morning, that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it.
                Now I get it, Paul's Avatar does have a nice look to it.
                My knee is much better today & I'm almost weaned off the big "V".
                The big V, Viagra?


                • #9
                  Naw, Vicodin.
                  Heh-Heh ;~)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by carter davidson View Post
                    Must be about Paul, looks great doesn't he.
                    Yeah, ....I took that photo at Pat and Wanda's a few years ago. He is more handsome in person, but you can't say that in Texas... = )


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bruce View Post
                      Naw, Vicodin.
                      Heh-Heh ;~)
                      Yeah, but with Viagra, you wouldn't need a cast...= )

