Hey guys,
Progress on my restore has been slow because of money, weather, blah blah.. all of that. I DID however just complete a crucial step. Since I rent garage space and don't have a place to run a sandblaster, soda blaster or paint gun, I thought it would be cool to convert my M-Haul (old Uhaul truck) into a paint booth. Here are some rough pics:

The truck. Notice the extension cord and air hose going up by the passenger door.

Entry Point

The source
Progress on my restore has been slow because of money, weather, blah blah.. all of that. I DID however just complete a crucial step. Since I rent garage space and don't have a place to run a sandblaster, soda blaster or paint gun, I thought it would be cool to convert my M-Haul (old Uhaul truck) into a paint booth. Here are some rough pics:
The truck. Notice the extension cord and air hose going up by the passenger door.
Entry Point
The source