Seeing JStinson's post about his parts truck a few months back got me thinking what an awesome idea that was. Which lead me to Craigslist. Which of course lead me to this:

1964 M37 B2 Marine variant (I think).
Found a guy named Eric who was getting out of the MV scene. He had made some nice progress, especially with the body. He had an extra cab in great shape and had already taken apart the bed/toolbox. Everything was in great shape. The best part is it runs! We drove it on to the trailer.

There you can see the extra cab I got.

My super crazy insanity face. I had to work the throttle while Eric manned the wheel and clutch.
1964 M37 B2 Marine variant (I think).
Found a guy named Eric who was getting out of the MV scene. He had made some nice progress, especially with the body. He had an extra cab in great shape and had already taken apart the bed/toolbox. Everything was in great shape. The best part is it runs! We drove it on to the trailer.
There you can see the extra cab I got.
My super crazy insanity face. I had to work the throttle while Eric manned the wheel and clutch.