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The WC53 Carryall thread .
The frame looks sweet , show us more
I am picking up my radiator on Friday and I sure hope he got the tanks on the right way .
The seat riser is now in for the rear seat and I am trying to get some decent looking fuel tank doors installed . The ones from the jeep look good on the jeep but they look too big and out of place on the Carryall .
No progress or easy solution on the rear shocks .
More work on WC-53
I did some more work on my carryall. Blasted the axles, a bunch of frame parts, and some front axle parts. I primed them with red-oxide, then painted everything with OD. I put 12 new spring bushings in all my springs and shackles, they sure fit nice (no slop). I have started to reassemble. It's sure nice to have clean new looking parts to put together.
I hope to have the front axle on in the day or so, then onto the new brakes.
Well, I felt like I was taking a part of history away from this old rig, when I pulled the front axle out. I have to tell myself that it will be in the best intrest for the rig. The rear axle is a 14 bolt, and a dana 60 will go in place of this axle. I have mixed emotions about the axle swap, but this rig is not stock, so oh well.
WC 53 update
I have blasted, primed, and painted all of the parts, plus some extras. I sure hope I can remember where they all go. I have blasted every Dodge bolt and star washer that I found in a five gallon bucket. It's like a big model, putting it back together. Now it's on to new seals, bearings, and brake parts. It's nice to know that when I put on a new painted part it shouldn't have to come off. This is FUN!!!!
This where the body is resting for now.
excellent !
I bet you have some folks confused . In one shot you have a stock axle and in another you have a 14 bolt . I wonder how long it will take for someone to clue in that you have two projects going on . I have done this kind of thing too . One project is a break from the other .
I need to renew my subscription , I can not post progress pictures of my Carryall .
I am interested to see how you will deal with the front suspension on the many door .
been fighting some 4bt gremlins...
replaced the injector pump, head gasket, #3 exhaust valve. moved mid-mount engine mounts to front, remade the tps, remade shock mounts.... etc....
should be back on the road tomorrow.
i dont like my chevy truck seats (too tall, i have to squat to see), so i am looking at ford ranger or toyota tacoma split bench....
i am looking into boat wipers.....
Some of the boat wipers look like the originals .
I have one original 12 volt wiper . Finding another will be difficult . There are several boat wipers that look remarkabley like the originals . Finding the correct sweep may be problematic . My doors now work with the newer latches . The only issue I have not delt with is the locks . I am still looking for a June fire up .
More work on my WC53
I did some more work on my WC53. I took the front end apart and cleaned, blasted, primed, and then OD painted many parts. Also pulled bearings, bought new bearings, races, and seals. I used the soda blaster to clean my spindels and some of the good bearings. The soda media works great to pull off all the junk that the parts cleaner doesn't pull off. I still need to install my pinion seal in the front diff, and then I can put every thing back together. It's almost ready to put back on wheels and roll on it's own.