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230 engine removal

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  • #16
    This is ridiculous

    The Power Wagon Advertiser forums exist so that people like sleddrg can have cheap access to mountains of information about a task as intimidating as pulling an engine out of a truck. Sleddrg counldn't give a rats rear end about how I or Charles or Dave or Clint does it. He just wants to learn what other people have done so he can determine the best way for him to do it.

    Between the three of you, there's more useful knowledge about old trucks than in 10 crates of manuals. That's why this forum is so important. It provides a place where years and years of experience can be boiled down to a few posts in a thread. When egos get damaged people start leaving for reasons they can't even remember a month later. The only thing that suffers is the rest of PWA community.

    It kills me to see this kind of silliness go on between a bunch of grown men.


    • #17
      Let's get back to the original topic of this thread.

      Looking at all the engines I have removed from vehicles of all kinds, I consider that a great many of them had to come up and out. Meaning there were obstructions on the front. Radiator supports, grills, all that.

      Transmission length is an issue, and one's ability to tilt the load is an issue. Many folks have a piece of chain bolted to the engine in two places. Some have the luxury to have a means of attachment allowing adjustment of the point of balance. Even fewer yet have a means of attachment that allows continuous adjustment of the point of balance while the removal is in process. This last concept is ideal, but few have it.

      I have in most cases just had a piece of chain. Under such circumstances I have found it easier to be removing only the engine, because I don't have to tilt it. On an early Dodge, if all the front end sheet metal, radiator, and so on, are off, then forward and out might work just fine.

      I like a little peanut butter in my oatmeal, along with raisins and walnuts. I find that not everyone shares my enthusiasm.
      Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

      Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


      • #18
        Having met both Clint and Charles, I can testify to the outstanding character of both men and I can see clearly that this is one of those unfortunate misunderstandings that happen when we miss the mark with tone. It's hard to write with correct tone and it's even harder to interpret tone when we read.

        After meeting Charles, there is no doubt in my mind that he struggles with the written word and shines in face-to-face conversation. It's night and day difference really. I do believe such misunderstandings like this would never happen if we were all standing in a garage talking face to face.

        I've got to admit, I posted this and then deleted it so we could move on. Gordon reposted it and then deleted it too. After a few back and forth emails with Gordon, I decided to repost it. I just have a tremendous amount of respect for both men and feel an obligation to say so.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Charles Talbert View Post

          I've said many times that I would like at some point to be able to attend the Rally in Iowa

          That would be great!
          Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

          Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


          • #20
            I have been receiving a lot of emails since Charles and I each took a stand in support of our opposing views. I have been working a LOT of overtime and have not had the time to answer all the email. Until I do, it is time I speak up and say something here.

            Charles offered a public apology to me, and I accept.

            I don't intend to leave anytime soon, unless Gordon offers to take one of his famous polls and the majority vote in favor of a send-off. ;^)

            However, with that said, I think I have been a little too quick in the past to offer advice on subjects where, instead, I should have deferred to the experts. Gordon has sent personal emails to me in the past, asking me to read a thread and to offer any help that I can. Folks have also posted direct questions to me on occasion. Other times I have read questions, posted answers, and later realized that I should have kept quite and learned from others who have more experience in certain areas.

            So, call it a compromise if you will, but I think I am going to stick around for sure, but also reel the ego back in a little and try to concentrate more on helping people who ask me directly rather than offering freely.



            • #21
              Clint you are a definite asset to this forum and the Power Wagon community.



              • #22
                I appreciate both Clint and Charles taking the time to share their knowledge with the less experienced of us.

                I'm lucky to have a fully equipped shop with a lift and all the other toys. I'm also pretty experienced (but not an expert) at working around vehicles. I listen to the advice other people have to offer, then make my own decision how to proceed.

                The real tragedy of this issue would be if either gentleman became reluctant to share information because he felt he had to defend his methods. Please let me hear all sides without anybody getting their feelings hurt or people taking sides. I will take the responsibility for making a decision as to what works for me and even change course mid-stream if necessary.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Clint Dixon View Post
                  I have been receiving a lot of emails since Charles and I each took a stand in support of our opposing views. I have been working a LOT of overtime and have not had the time to answer all the email. Until I do, it is time I speak up and say something here.

                  Charles offered a public apology to me, and I accept.

                  I don't intend to leave anytime soon, unless Gordon offers to take one of his famous polls and the majority vote in favor of a send-off. ;^)

                  However, with that said, I think I have been a little too quick in the past to offer advice on subjects where, instead, I should have deferred to the experts. Gordon has sent personal emails to me in the past, asking me to read a thread and to offer any help that I can. Folks have also posted direct questions to me on occasion. Other times I have read questions, posted answers, and later realized that I should have kept quite and learned from others who have more experience in certain areas.

                  So, call it a compromise if you will, but I think I am going to stick around for sure, but also reel the ego back in a little and try to concentrate more on helping people who ask me directly rather than offering freely.

                  I much prefer you offering freely.
                  Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                  Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gmharris View Post
                    The real tragedy of this issue would be if either gentleman became reluctant to share information because he felt he had to defend his methods.
                    Things like that are something we all want to avoid.

                    I might have spoken too abruptly with my last post. It does, however, frustrate me to see this type of thing.

                    Either way, I'm glad things are being worked out. Hopefully the forum can get back to normal with no fear of stepping on each others' egos.

                    Mmm, eggos...

