The above sketch isn't to scale. Dist X is front to back, while Dist Y & W are side to side.
Well, I'm considering diving into the job of building the replacement cab for my '49 (the White One) Power Wagon. As this truck will be more of a restoration job than the a "Brake Job" like I did on the '46, I want to make sure I have some proper details. I've got a good floor and part of a good cab, these along with the good part of the existing cab will be put together to build a clean and nice cab.
I know the cab mounts changed (in mount elevation). 46-50 and 51 on had different elevation measurements between the front and rear mounts. But I believe (I'm confident) the fore aft (Dist X) and side to side (Dist Y & W) were the same.
Does anyone have the proper/correct measurements as noted in the above sketch for both the pre and post 51 model trucks?