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Is Your Power Wagon the Next Victim?

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  • #46

    Norm, the device was probably equal to two M-80 firecrackers. I doubt if it did too much damage although I'm sure the thief knew he had a problem within his stove. Sometimes a good scare is worth more than good advice.


    • #47
      Wish we had a video....= )


      • #48
        My Wife's Great Pyrenees Dog used to love peeing on my truck rims every chance he got. I cured him with a electric fence charger hooked to the back bumper. Should have heard him yelp. Might not stop the 2 legged vermin but will sure give em something to think about when they get zapped.


        • #49
          Originally posted by izee02 View Post
          how did things turn out.....???/ i know this is my first reply But what we do is i have three rounds in my shotgun first is just a blank, second is reloaded with rocksalt, third is buckshot. but usually just the racheting sound makes people stop and turn in the dark.
          Last time this happened to me it was 3 guys under my hood taering out a 2 4 barrel tunnel ram w 2 Holleys on it and valve covers and who knows what else..

          I walked out and pumped the 12 guage and the 2 under the hood jack rabbited real fast...

          Fortunately the third had gone off with the aluminum valve covers and was coming back for the rest and his buddies in his truck. Somehow he didn't realize the big guy with the 12 gauge wasn't his friend until I got a good look at his license plate.

          Even so after two weeks it took me telling the cops I had tracked down who it was and was going to go over and get my stuff back myself if they didn't before they got off their duffs and did anything.

          Glad the thief was caught in this case, its kinda rare these days.

