For starters my name is Kyle ,Just got my hands on this beast. She's a little rough guy that built it is a friend of the family's he built it up and used it on his dads farm for a farm truck and a play truck here and there.She's a little beat up from pushing down trees and brush when he was out making trails ;) .
Then my aunt's boyfriend got it off him. He didn't do much with it poor thing set other then when they would get it out to roll a truck back over or pull one out that none of the other trucks out playing could get out. Most the body damage is from my aunts son he got mad at his mom one night and when she left he thought the poor thing needed some body work done with a bat. Took out all the lights and did a little work to the grill and fenders as u can see in the pics below. Wouldn't mind taking a bat to his grill and knocking his lights out. Just one good hit to the face but yeah here's some pics of the beast.

Then my aunt's boyfriend got it off him. He didn't do much with it poor thing set other then when they would get it out to roll a truck back over or pull one out that none of the other trucks out playing could get out. Most the body damage is from my aunts son he got mad at his mom one night and when she left he thought the poor thing needed some body work done with a bat. Took out all the lights and did a little work to the grill and fenders as u can see in the pics below. Wouldn't mind taking a bat to his grill and knocking his lights out. Just one good hit to the face but yeah here's some pics of the beast.
