So It has come to brakes, I want to get better stooping power out of the old girl and it looks like I am going to disks in the front.
Before I go the distance on this one does aneyone have aney speshil advise on bleading the brakes beyond the mil-spec manual I know there are a bunch of you out there that know a **** of a lot more about this then me?
And what is the best disk brake conversion kit if i do go to disks?
So what is the braking news?
1951 M37
Before I go the distance on this one does aneyone have aney speshil advise on bleading the brakes beyond the mil-spec manual I know there are a bunch of you out there that know a **** of a lot more about this then me?
And what is the best disk brake conversion kit if i do go to disks?
So what is the braking news?
1951 M37