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Don't forget MOM !! Mother's Day '09

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  • Don't forget MOM !! Mother's Day '09

    I lost my Mom back in '07 at the age of 90 years. Remember many fond visits on Sunday afternoon where I would always find her sitting on the front porch along about this time of year. No doubt that's where she would be sitting right now if she were still here.

    Sitting in Church this morning listening to the pastor's message, a very fitting one on this Mother's day; I was reminded of so many things I could have done differently as a son. I had a great relationship with Mom, but I never cease to be amazed thinking of things I could have done just a little better or more often. Just one more thing among many that I as a mere human never seemed to think about much until it was too late. She's gone on now to a better place.

    Take time to honor your Mom today, Mother's Day '09. It will bless you & her both.

  • #2
    thanks 4 mom

    I agree, but would like to encourage us not to just do it for today, nor to just stop with Mom. Let's carry the sentiment a bit further in that everyone you interact with at some point will no longer be here, including ourselves of course. We should treat mom's like everyday was Mother's day, dad's like everyday was Father's day, and everyone else like it was their birthday.....Just a thought
    On the 16th my grandmother will turn 94 and I will go and sit on her porch with her and overlook the pasture that she's admired since they purchased it (100 acres originally) for $3000 in 1945.....No amount of money could buy the memories from that old porch.


    • #3
      Well said and a good reminder. My mother is 83 and in poor health. At some point in the not too distant future I will be dealing with her loss.
      I don't think you can ever repay your parents - and especially your mother - for what they did for you when you were a child.
      I try and call her every week at least, as well as do what I can to make her happy, but it seems inadequate.
      Having my own children really made me understand this more.


      • #4
        Mother's Day

        There is a lot of real truths in those three posts. We all do need a reminder about these most important facts of life. What counts and what can wait for later. Thanks for the posts.


        • #5
          Originally posted by 712edf View Post
          I agree, but would like to encourage us not to just do it for today, nor to just stop with Mom. Let's carry the sentiment a bit further in that everyone you interact with at some point will no longer be here, including ourselves of course. We should treat mom's like everyday was Mother's day, dad's like everyday was Father's day, and everyone else like it was their birthday.....Just a thought

          On the 16th my grandmother will turn 94 and I will go and sit on her porch with her and overlook the pasture that she's admired since they purchased it (100 acres originally) for $3000 in 1945.....No amount of money could buy the memories from that old porch.
          Wow.... that is really nice. The history she feels.
          Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

          Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gordon Maney View Post
            Wow.... that is really nice. The history she feels.
            What is neat, even eerie, is to set on that porch and look at the countryside while holding an old black & white photograph taken from the EXACT same spot 60 years ago. As close to crossing time as I can imagine! To be able to make out the trees, telephone poles, etc from both eras. Downright neat! My grandmother was blessed with good genes (I'm adopted, so clueless). All the female siblings in her family made into their 90's & none set foot in a nursing home, except to visit the "old people"

            Special memories for me are of sitting out at night with the family, listening to the coyotes howl & watching the control tower spotlight at nearby (7 miles) Perrin field air,white,blue,white. That defunct air base is now Grayson County Community Airport.

            Alot of stories have been/ are being told on that old hill in Texas. Beats TV and the internet hands down. That's the last place I have left from my childhood that hasn't been totally "remodeled" by time/progress.It's a remnant of my garden of eden so to speak, yet it too is being transformed. Kinda sad.

