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How far back do you go in Back Room threads?

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  • How far back do you go in Back Room threads?

    It is unclear to me how far back in history readers of The Back Room forum are going. If you are not going very far back, I may delete the first four years of content since it is not truck related.

    Thoughts on this? Talk to me....
    Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

    Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?

  • #2
    I like the Back Room a lot, but I hardly ever go back and reference any of it. It is a good place for banter and it is nice to hear the perspectives of Power Wagon people on things other than trucks. But, as far as I'm concerned, once a thread seems like it has died out, it could be removed.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Kevin Mienke View Post
      I like the Back Room a lot, but I hardly ever go back and reference any of it. It is a good place for banter and it is nice to hear the perspectives of Power Wagon people on things other than trucks. But, as far as I'm concerned, once a thread seems like it has died out, it could be removed.


      • #4
        I agree too. if its not technical & related to the trucks, toss it.



        • #5
          Yeah, the Back Room is sort of a conversational device that could come back and haunt us all if we ever decide to run for political office. Or need to prove we are not insane. (Yeah, I know, you need to be insane to qualify for political office...)

          I did print out the list of 40 things everyone should know how to do that appeared some time back.

          You should definitely keep the truck stuff of course as you never know when a problem or tech question will come up that someone has already dealt with.

