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Writing articles for the PWA

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  • Writing articles for the PWA

    At this years Iowa rally as is the case with every rally I've attended since 2001 I had the pleasure of talking with Gordon. I told him that during the rally a number of people recognized my name tag or knew me already. They told me that they enjoyed reading my latest story of my trip to the east coast. I of course thanked them and felt honored that these people found my story interesting.

    My point to all of this is, if you've had an experience with your truck and who hasn't then please write a story and submit to Gordon. I've told several people that it's not hard to do once you get into it. I have my wife and several others proofread my articles to make sure they make sense. I sometimes think faster than I type so this is a big help.

    You don't need a college education to write down what you're trying to say. The computer has spell check so that's a no brainer. Gordon can help with editing too. Tech articles are good but it's the stories about chasing down that certain truck or how you remember your dad's or grand dad's truck that others fine interesting.

    So please give it a try, you never know who will come up to you and say. " I really liked reading your story".

  • #2
    Thank you, Ron, for encouraging the troops.....
    Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

    Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


    • #3
      I am in the process of writing about rebuilding a transfer case.. and it is a fun challenge which I am enjoying. In fact it is nothing like the writing I remember in school.. as this is a topic that I am interested in. Also I seem to be, more connected with the process, because part of me is trying to remember so that I can find words to describe the event.

      Also Gordon has been much more supportive, helpful, and encouraging than the teachers in my memory.

      I wonder if I could produce a good story about how I came to be interested in the FFPW's.. When I sat in one, I felt as if I was sitting in a sports car..


      • #4
        I would encourage anyone who has something to say at length, To by all means write an article for the PWA. Chances are Gordon will publish it.
        I'm not saying his standards are low but he has, on at least two occassions printed my own personal brand of dreck. But seriously he will likely offer editorial assistance if needed.

        It's a great magazine made better by the participation of its readers.
        There is a photographer out there who owes us (the subscribers) a photo-study on the sexier curves resident in the composition of the Powerwagon.
        They know who they are. They might even warrant another color edition although peronally I think color detracts from the definition one gets from black and white.

        I think also that the non computer using subscribers might benefit, if Gordon printed the summaries of the more esoteric threads such as Kevin's "Power Wagon Nation" . Point being that there have been some lively and at times meaningful exchanges in the forums and not everyone who might be interested gets a chance to see them. It might even encourage some to get a thinky-box and join the fray.


        • #5
          [QUOTE=Bob Thompson;81138]I would encourage anyone who has something to say at length, To by all means write an article for the PWA. Chances are Gordon will publish it.
          I'm not saying his standards are low but he has, on at least two occassions printed my own personal brand of dreck. But seriously he will likely offer editorial assistance if needed.

          I am laughing as I read your post Bob, I think its because I can relate to what you are saying about the whole standards thing. I to have risked everything and made a contribution or two for Gorden's great publication.
          If you have the ability to tell some one a story involving a Power Wagon I think you could also be an author and share it with the rest of us in the pages of the very fine Powerwagonadvertiser.


          • #6
            I am laughing as I read your post Bob, I think its because I can relate to what you are saying about the whole standards thing. I to have risked everything and made a contribution or two for Gorden's great publication.
            If you have the ability to tell some one a story involving a Power Wagon I think you could also be an author and share it with the rest of us in the pages of the very fine Powerwagonadvertiser.[/QUOTE]

            I had a chuckle writing it Jake. But seriously if the topic is even marginally related to Powerwagons by all means submit it. The worst Gordon can say is no. He is not likely to shoot out your porch light or kick your dog. Likely as not he will offer editorial advice and help you with the process.

            I must say, that I have enjoyed virtually everything I've read in the PWA.

