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  • Flooding

    It seems Iowa has had a black cloud hovering all summer. In Altoona we've had a reported 36 inches of rainfall since June 2.

    It all came to a head today when one of Colt's classmates was killed in the early morning hours. Her car was swept away by flash flood waters. She was 16. Colt is grieving the loss. Our town is grieving the loss.

    Water levels are still rising in and around Des Moines.

    I am wondering about Gary Weakland in Boone. His area of the state is reportedly worse than Des Moines. Much of Iowa State University is surrounded by what reporters are calling a flood of epic proportions for Ames. I am waiting to get word from my niece who attends ISU.

    This will be our third 500-year flood in a period of 17 years.

    With the economy the way it is and people losing their jobs and homes at a record or near record pace, the weather only adds more grief. I'm sure, as always, Iowans and Americans will come through it with diligence.

  • #2
    Kevin, I'm sorry to hear of such a young life swept away like that. I feel for Colt and his loss. Iowa has certainly had a black cloud for some time. The heat in the west around Council Bluffs has to be near unbearable with a heat index of 112. Hope your niece is safe along with everyone else. We'll pray for all of you.


    • #3
      Thanks Ron. I appreciate it. Right now, at 8:57 p.m., the heat index is still 94, my in-laws have water pouring in their basement, and we are running 4 portable pump just to keep up.

      On a more positive note, 10 kids were rescued in the accident that claimed one life.

      It will be nice to hear from my niece.


      • #4
        I've been in some flooding myself so hang in there. The two problems with water are, you don't have any. The other you can't get rid of it. Watch the basement walls don't cave on you due to pressure from outside. Wish I were closer to help out.


        • #5
          Good luck guys, our thoughts and prayers are with you.


          • #6
            As a guy who grew up near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, I am familiar with the dangers of floods. The ones we get are of the fast-moving water variety, which is nothing to mess with. We had a big one in 1977. It was pretty sobering to watch an automobile being pulled out of the river and not be able to determine the make or model. My heart goes out to those who suffered losses of loved ones.


            • #7
              Kevin, I,m very sorry to hear of this and saddened by the loss of one so young.
              You and your family will be in our thoughts.

              Bob Thompson


              • #8
                So Much Grief

                Hey Kevin,
                You & yours are in our thoughts and prayers & the rest of your statesman as well.
                So much worldwide chaos, things need to change, hopefully sooner? The world used to be such a simple place.


                • #9
                  kevin, flood damage

                  Sorry such sad news.Do you think there is a need for kids clothes? we have a bunch of lightly used clothes teenage girls pre teen boy.


                  • #10
                    You guys are awesome.

                    My niece is fine and flood waters are receding. Other than the loss of Colt's friend, the problems in my part of the state were limited to flooded basements, flooded fields and closed roads near waterways.

                    Of course it is hard for the kids to deal with the loss of their friend, but services for the girl will provide some measure of healing.

                    I should be quick to mention that the flooded creek that took her life was only a foot and a half over the road, but the current was that of a raging river. I have driven through flash floods like this before. I won't do it again.


                    • #11
                      We took a canoe out on a creek one time that was in a flood stage. Looked like it might be fun. It wasn't. Now that I have two boys, and thinking about some of the stuff I did, I worry about them all the time. Can't imagine what the parents of that young girl are going through.


                      • #12
                        I was in Webster City in late July and was amazed at the
                        amount of ponding in the fields. My cousins plant 2500
                        acres and have had a little crop loss.... nothing severe.

                        Ames was hammered again a few days ago. I feel bad
                        for all you folks. I feel especially bad about your son's
                        friend. I lost several friends while still in my late teens.
                        I'm now 47 and I do think about them and what they
                        might be like today.


