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Transport 51 PW from CA to AK

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  • Transport 51 PW from CA to AK

    I'm hoping to buy a 51 located in northern CA in the next week and will need it transported (not driven) to Anchorage, AK. Any transporters coming north? I presently have a quote of $2500 from a reputable firm in AK, but their price seems pretty steep.

  • #2
    Originally posted by KenaiGary View Post
    I'm hoping to buy a 51 located in northern CA in the next week and will need it transported (not driven) to Anchorage, AK. Any transporters coming north? I presently have a quote of $2500 from a reputable firm in AK, but their price seems pretty steep.
    Actually that's not a bad price. Considering it has to pass through U.S and Canadian customs and then fight its way north through construction delays and all that entails.
    Have you considered hauling to San Fransiscco and putting it on an Alaska bound ship. I believe someone here did that and found it an economical alternative. Perhaps Seattle ? I would bet some of the guys in the PNW would chime in on that option. I'd also bet that quote will go up as soon as they find out what it weighs.


    • #3
      Transport to AK

      Actually this bid is for transporting by truck to Seattle from northern CA, containerizing it on a barge and floating it north to Anchorage. I provided them the dimensions and weight.


      • #4
        Originally posted by KenaiGary View Post
        Actually this bid is for transporting by truck to Seattle from northern CA, containerizing it on a barge and floating it north to Anchorage. I provided them the dimensions and weight.
        If the price includes the whole deal as stated, you got yourself an outstanding deal. Good job!


        • #5
          Transport to AK

          Thanks, Bob. I appreciate you responding.


          • #6
            Just exploring the options as it appears you have already done. There aren't many lower 48 haulers that will make the trip for reasons previously stated.
            I discovered this some time back, when I had considered buying an Alaska truck.
            Good luck with your truck.

