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This months PWA...

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  • This months PWA...

    A home run with this months issue again. I was blown away when I read SOTT. We have at least 3 acres of land here that is undeveloped and we have been talking about starting some kind of tree farm.

  • #2
    Thank you, I am glad you liked the issue! Now tell your friends. :-)
    Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

    Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


    • #3
      I am continuously seeking articles and materials for issues. Everyone has their own project, interests, plans, and experiences.

      It is how we grow as enthusiasts — by sharing in depth.
      Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

      Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


      • #4

        How do I send an article? I'm not good at writing but I'd like to share my story. How long does it have to be?


        • #5
          I like to see 1,200 words or more to be an article. They can be as long as you wish. Shorter items, say 400-800 words, I will run as letters to the editor.

          There is no length limit. Very long pieces are run in segments in successive issues.

          You may also go here for information on submitting article:

          ....and you can write to me at the contact us link below with any questions you may have.

          Be sure to set your digital camera on the highest quality available, and do not reduce the file size before sending. Text can be pasted into the body of an email, sent as a Word file, and can also be hand written. Whatever works for you.

          Film camera photos are fine, too. Do not send photos from an inkjet printer, as they will not be workable.

          Thank you for asking....
          Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

          Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


          • #6
            One more thought. You say you are not good at writing. Many say that. All you have to do is tell your story to me. Write it down. I am the editor of the magazine. I can edit your article and it will be fine. I don't change your style, or written personality, but I correct any errors.

            Please, all of you, don't think you are not writers. Just share your story or project with me and it will be great.
            Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

            Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?

