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Checking in with old friends

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  • #16
    Good thread.

    I have always wanted to visit Charles Talbert's shop. I read his posts here but rarely comment on them. The guy seems to know more than everyone else. I envision his place as one where I could drop the truck off with a check (a really big one) and come back in a few months and find it just the way I want it.

    So Kevin is working on an old house. Everyone needs to do that once in their life. Some even try living in the house while they are doing it. We are blessed with a fine old home that looks to have been designed and built by the same folks who came up with the Power Wagon. But I told the Central Authority that she and the kids would have to find another place to camp if I ever got serious about rewiring and replastering.

    As for barbecue vs. pork chops, that is a subject for a thread (or even forum) all its own. A good friend of mine and I used to talk of conducting a tour of the South and visiting all the barbecue joints we could find. Particularly those in run down buildings in bad neighborhoods. But well, he passed away from cancer some years ago, just shy of his 50th birthday, which kind of nixed the idea.

    Some of the best pork I ever had was a Cuban recipe, which I think had lime or lemon in it. Served with fried bananas. Around here, we usually do it up with hot sausage, tomato sauce, and a few cheeses. You won't hear me say one way is better than another. It's all good.


    • #17
      How ya'll doing?

      Well, I've enjoyed Kevin, Janet, and Colt being here in our neck of the woods better than any new comers lately. I must admit right off that I've been the one with all the good intentions, and have yet to make them happen. This year has been extremely busy for us in a number of ways.

      On another hand, Mama Mienke sure does make a great apple-pecan pie. She made one for us a while back, gave it to Debbie after Church one Sunday morning, and I'll be honest; I'm standing there grinning knowing Debbie is allergic to pecans, thinking I'll get to enjoy this one by myself. I think it was gone in under a day, and I had to share with the kids. Sharing Church Services with Kevin, Janet, and Colt every Sunday has been a real treat also. Colt is a truely remarkable young man; I saw that right away.

      I can only count having them so close as one of the greatest blessings I have enjoyed in life. These folks are true friends and you see it right off.

      The barbecue; western NC and eastern NC styles; we are on the border for that. I love both, so it's just a matter of what your taste craves on any given day. A few miles either direction from us will fill the need.

      The gray haired old guy, well you haven't yet reached old guy status, but be proud that you can be the gray haired old guy instead of the bald headed old guy.

      The rest of ya'll, come on over, we'll do our best to make you feel at home.


      • #18
        Sounds like what is needed is a Rally in NC, with an open house at Charles's shop, and various barbecue shops plying their wares. It'd be a little closer for us than Iowa, though we still hope to make that one some day. The flatlanders might enjoy the change in scenery.


        • #19
          White Owl Parts at Kinston, NC used to sponser a get together in November each year in conjunction with the MVPA. They counted on selling lots of parts to make it worthwhile. Got to where it was a money losing proposition for them, so they finally stopped it. They always had a catered afternoon meal from King's Barbecue, great eastern style viddles.

          With the high cost of fuel, and the power wagon community spread out so wide; it would be a loser before you started I'm afraid.


          • #20
            Yeah, Charles, I hear ya. The business climate isn't too grand out there these days. Probably best to stay home and sand.

