Welcome to Power Wagon Advertiser forums, the place for Dodge all wheel drive truck owners. This is a place for military and civilian Dodges manufactured from 1940 up to 1993.

You will discover that in order to post a question or an answer, you must register.

There is no cost to register, all you have to do is provide a good e-mail address. The reason for that is first, the confirmation e-mail, and also the e-mail notification mechanism needs an address for you so it can send you an e-mail to inform you that there has been a reply to a thread in which you are participating. You will find that to be a marvelous and convenient feature. Just check your mail to see if someone has added to the thread. If your mail makes a sound when it receives, you don't even have to be in the same room.

When you register, you will immediately be sent a confirmation e-mail. You must click on a link in this e-mail which will take you to a page allowing you to complete your registration. The purpose of that is to verify your e-mail address.

If you did not receive that e-mail immediately, something is wrong at your end, blocking the mail. To be properly registered, you must accept the confirmation e-mail.

Your e-mail address is safe here, and it will never be given to anyone else, individual or business. I would urge you to use an e-mail address for an e-mail application on your computer, rather than a webmail account like Yahoo, Hotmail, or similar service. The reason is that some of those require that you manually go to a website to check mail. You would like to have your mail appear as soon as it arrives.

Some internet users have e-mail filters that block their receipt of the confirmation e-mail. AOL users can have that problem, as well as a few others. Earthlink now has a user activated filter mechanism that will block all mail except for those addresses specified by the user. If you are one of those people, you won’t receive my mail and I won’t be able to reach you to explain that problem.

If you have any trouble, or do not receive your confirmation e-mail immediately, please send me a note:


Thanks for coming, and have fun....

Gordon Maney, Editor, Power Wagon Advertiser