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Old saying

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  • #31
    Care Package?

    Originally posted by MoparNorm View Post
    We have plenty of owls, hawks, eagles and birds of carrion, such as turkey vultures and an occasional Condor, but removing the coyotes tipped the scales of what was proven to be a very delicate balance.
    For at least two summers you could look out across the valley and see what appeared to be the ground moving, only to realize that it was a plethora of ground squirrels...apparently birds of prey can't fly when full, but coyotes can eat with the best of them....= )

    Ok, how many coyotes can we stuff into semi- trailer? I'll be pleased to send you as many as we can!

    I just saw two today, right in a subdivision along the road. We can do a round up and send you a herd.


    • #32


      All kidding aside, you are correct that balance is needed.

      Because of the local restrictions on discharging a firearm within city limits, the coyote population is never going to be reduced and we will always have a very healthy population here!

      Common sense does need to be applied when determining the amount of predator control is acceptable.

      Wanton destruction of any species in bad for the environment. Well, ok mosquitoes are exempt from that statement!


      • #33
        Originally posted by Longhunter7 View Post

        All kidding aside, you are correct that balance is needed.

        Because of the local restrictions on discharging a firearm within city limits, the coyote population is never going to be reduced and we will always have a very healthy population here!

        Common sense does need to be applied when determining the amount of predator control is acceptable.

        Wanton destruction of any species in bad for the environment. Well, ok mosquitoes are exempt from that statement!
        Urban coyotes are a problem in SoCal as well.
        Little Kitty's are called dessert, lap dogs disappear and trash cans are raided. Coyotes are the only wild animals I know of that have thrived with the coming of man, mainly because we are such a messy lot, trash, liter, etc.
        Man in cities has always brought rodents and cockroaches, now man in suburbs brings coyotes....I'm starting to miss the wolves and sabertooths...= )


        • #34
          Better than Ezra

          Originally posted by MoparNorm View Post
          Don't want to break the spell, but...
          The song writer must have been from the East,

          Didn't want to be picky, but that stuck out like a sore thumb...hmmm...wonder where sore thumb came from....?
          = )
          I believe the writer is from New Orleans. A little poetic license I guess. Gee Norm, I thought you'd know where that saying comes from...Maybe the writer made it up......not sure..

