All needle bearings in! We of course later on messed something up that made all the little needles fall so we had to put them back in again. Dang.
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1962 M37 Newbie in Maryland
OK, BIG NOTE HERE!!! This washer is slotted on the inside and it meshes with the splines on the input shaft. It has to be seated flush against the high/low range gear (I think we may have had the wrong side here, but you get the idea). If it isn't, you will put together the whole thing like us and not be able to shift it because it locks up. It easily becomes separated when you bang it in to place, so hold it with your finger while you tap it in. We learned the hard way and later had to pull the whole thing apart.
Fitting the shifter to the shift rails.
Tapping in new bearings.
About to slide the shift rail in.
Shift rail installed and mechanics wire wrapped. NOTE, this is actually wrong. The braid needs to be on the right side, not the left. We noticed when we put it together that it rubs on the gears this way. Not good. We had to take it all apart anyway so we fixed it.
Fitting the high/low gear in to the shift rail.
Had to bang down the Ready Sleeve a bit more so it would fit.
That's about as far as we got because of the washer issue. It's really frustrating because we dry fit it first and it was fine, and then of course we put the gaskets on and what not and then it lock up when tightened, all due to that little washer not being seated correctly. Oh well, live and learn I suppose. Now that we got past that, it should be a breeze, but I need to get new gaskets before proceeding. More pics to come!
Started tearing down the front axles today after finishing the transfer case. Pics to come in a minute. Started some interesting reading though wanted to post the link before I loose it:
Great documentation on your project! Great to meet your Dad today, and very happy birthday to you. I'm glad we finally can call the NP200 done! I'm still most impressed with Charles shift rails, they are simply a work of art.
Now it is time for the transmission!!!
Wayne and I with the finished product. Only took us a month!
I have to say this was no easy task. Granted I am just a share-tree mechanic. A lot to be learned in that little box of voodoo. It's actually not so complicated once you get to understanding how it works. I'm glad I took the time to do it. Thanks again WayneH for all of your help and patience, and thanks to your wife for the BLT sandwiches!