Some of you have been waiting for additional Rally photo's and I have finally gotten a free moment to organize and get them ready for burning to a CD and mailing them out.
The CD's will contain pictures from the following Rally's:
2009 Vintage Power Wagon Rally (almost 600 photo’s)
2008 Vermont Rally (200 +/- photo’s, plus pictures from Terry and Ken)
2008 Indiana Dodge Truck Rally (60+ pictures)
2009 Indiana Dodge Truck Rally (60+ pictures)
I have 2 cd’s to mail out. I had to leave out the excursion trips from the Indiana Rally’s as well as a military show I attended in New Jersey this spring.
I may send those out at a later time as I don’t seem to have the New Jersey pictures with me and I won’t be home for another week or two.
Every year people ask me how much for the CD's and I've never charged as I don't know what would be a fair price. I do it to share amongst those that aren't able to attend the various rally's. Fortunately, I have had the privelage to attend some near and far.
I do apologize for the sharing of the Vermont Rally pictures - I know it's been a long time and life just got a little ugly for me since then.
Here is a list of who will receive a CD. I also have a list of people that asked for CD's, but I do not have a mailing address or I don't have them with me. If you would respond back to me with your mailing address, I will get these out. If you are not listed and want a CD, just reply here or send me an email. Please send me your address.
people receiving a CD:
Ron Reichhart
Todd Somers
Paul Meirop
Jill Stearnes
Gordon Maney
Will Watson
Tim Holloway
Matt Tisdale
Tom Jacobs
Vintage Power Wagons
Tim Tedrow
J Douglas Adcox
Doug Briggs
Jeff Mckenzie
Dennis Boldt
Jay B Good
Martin Mckenzie
Mark Phillips
Joe Cimoch
Doug Smith
Dave Fraser
Kerr Family
Bruce B
Bob Jones & Family
Addresses Needed:
Andrew Conelly
Terry & Link
Ken from Worchester MA
Ken See
Mark in NJ
R Bishop
Kevin in REhobath
Chris Kendzier (Michigan)
Butch & Jason
Mike in White M37 w/4BT
Roger King
I will start mailing these out this week
email me at pmvliet_at_makanaenterprises.com
replace _at_ with @
I do have to say a quick thanks to those that have helped me over the past year. There are many of you who have let me ride in their truck or even given me the privelage of driving their truck! And those that have let me travel with them to and from rally's! Most know who you are - I do appreciate it!!