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What would it take

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  • #16
    Originally posted by NNICKB View Post
    My intention is to re-assemble the truck myself, perhaps with the help of my two boys, who right now are 2 and 3 years old. But I honestly don't know if I will ever get to it.
    Don't give up. Remember why you got the truck.

    My pursuit of a Power Wagon was proceeded by a long period of wanting and waiting.

    I rarely buy anything, and then only if I have given suitable thought to defining exactly what I want and why. In this case, I knew exactly what I wanted and why. I'm sure you did too.

    Those years of being relegated to the sidelines, of patient waiting, were difficult for me. But, it was those years of patient waiting which enabled me to see that patience produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint.

    You will get to your truck when the time is right.


    • #17
      Yes, you are right of course. It has been a bad day.

      My Dodge WM300 is a former Pa. brush truck. My favorite uncle bought it in 1977, when it was a mere ten years old. It was in very good condition, though every piece of sheet metal had some sort of implement or reinforcement tacked on. I can't say I was in love with the truck at first sight, but it wasn't long before I realized what a treasure it was.

      My uncle taught me a great deal about character, generosity, and all those other virtues that seem to have gone out of style these days. A lot of guys on this forum speak of men like him. When the time came to find a "good home" for his truck, he passed it on to me. It was a faithful servant for many years. During the time I lived in the urban jungle of Los Angeles, it kept me connected with who I was.

      I have it safely stored in my building, with the parts neatly spread over workbenches. I dream of painting or powder coating all that is before me, and slowly putting it back on. It worries me that I do not have all the bolts or know where everything goes, but the knowledge is out there. The truck is really not in bad shape, having been spared the hard life that many of these trucks live to tell about.

      It'd be fun to load up my sons, strap the canoe on, and head out west somewhere, hopefully stopping in Iowa for the famous rally. Guys who grew up around hills and streams are pretty fascinated by the lakes and swamps of the flatlands.

      My three year old loves the truck, and has told me several times, "You need to put the screws back in the parts." Guess I owe it to him, and my uncle, to get it done.


      • #18
        Sell it???


        The first truck I have owned, and quite possibly the last... Unless I get my hands on a Cummins Turbo! Pre-1994,

        It's still patiently waiting to be finished. It doesn't complain near as much as the girlfriend EVER, she'll disappear (move out) before the truck leaves my possession!


        • #19
          A short term monetary gain for the sacrifice of years of hard work, toil and deliberate spending? I don't think so. There are other ways to make a quick buck. I already sold my first M37 - much to my regret. This one will be around for a very long time.

          I would get rid of the new truck that needs a payment long before an old truck thats paid for...


          • #20
            What would it take for you to sell your Power Wagon?
            A trade for one in better shape! However that's because all I have right now is a pile of rusty and broken parts, and a very shiny transfer case I hope I put together correctly. Should I ever complete this project I imagine the answer would be the same as it is for the Desoto, nothing short of homlessness.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Desoto61 View Post
              ... nothing short of homlessness.
              Would you be the first to live in a Desoto? ;)


              • #22
                Originally posted by MasterYota View Post
                Would you be the first to live in a Desoto? ;)
                I don't know about the first but it wouldn't be difficult to do. The trunk is bigger than my bed and the back seat is about as comfortable as my couch, and there's a 6.8L stove under the hood, just have to figure out the bathroom issue...

                Keeping it in 93 octane could be more expensive than the mortgage payment though.


                • #23
                  truck value

                  putting the sentimental value to the side, my trucks have retained more of their value than my house or my 401 k. who would have guessed that my hobby /passion would be my top performing investment .

