There has been a lot of talk here lately on this Forum about a variety subjects. Some not directly related to one another, but all somewhat tied together by a common relation to a bigger subject, that of political correctness.
I believe that the time may now be a ripe to form a new organization. I suggest that we call it - Sensible Types Opposed to Political Correctness Rhetoric from Asinine People.
To shorten it up we could simply use the acronym – STOPCRAP.
Our rally cry could be – Ubiquitous Politically Correct Habits Undermine Civilized Knowledge.
For this we could adopt the acronym – UPCHUCK.
Hey, this may catch on. Maybe we could even gain enough clout to lobby Congress!
I believe that the time may now be a ripe to form a new organization. I suggest that we call it - Sensible Types Opposed to Political Correctness Rhetoric from Asinine People.
To shorten it up we could simply use the acronym – STOPCRAP.
Our rally cry could be – Ubiquitous Politically Correct Habits Undermine Civilized Knowledge.
For this we could adopt the acronym – UPCHUCK.
Hey, this may catch on. Maybe we could even gain enough clout to lobby Congress!