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Premium Users & Power Wagon Advertiser subscribers

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  • Premium Users & Power Wagon Advertiser subscribers

    Pretty soon you will see the implementation of a Premium Forum User group. This group will have all of the same forum benefits and privileges enjoyed by Power Wagon Advertiser subscribers.

    One change will have to do with images. Most forums currently do not directly host images, instead requiring that you use a web based image hosting service. This is because hosting images has, as database size grows, ever increasing cost with regard to site operation. The forum site's database has grown considerably in size since these forums began, and as you might guess, we cannot run the site at a loss.

    Moving forward you will see that Power Wagon Advertiser magazine subscribers and Premium Forum Users will be able to host images for free as it is for those subscribers who pay for this site. With the exception, of course, of those generous forum users who choose to donate in support of the forums. Their kindness is greatly appreciated.

    Other users who are not magazine subscribers or premium users will not be able to have their images hosted by the site. This is a going forward kind of change, meaning; all images already in place will remain as they are. The removal of image hosting privileges and certain other benefits will be removed from the standard forum user group over a near-term period of time

    Other privileges that will be enjoyed by the Subscriber and Premium User groups will be avatars, the search function, emailing other users, access to the subscriber forum [which will likely be renamed subscriber & premium user forum]. As content is developed, there will be site content that is accessible only to subscribers and premium users. Added benefits will be announced as they occur.

    There has been enormous site growth with accompanying operating costs in the years of operation since startup of the PWA forum site. It is our feeling that those who support the forums should be rewarded for their dedication and loyalty. This is our way of providing that reward.

    Those wishing to receive these added benefits and functions may subscribe to the forum via their UserCP [user control panel]. Once you are inside the UserCP, on the left, down, low, you will see a link called Paid Subscriptions.

    Clicking on that link will provide a drop down where you may choose a time period of one or two years. Continuing on, you will be provided a mechanism with which you may use a credit card to make payment. It is administered by Paypal, but you need not be a Paypal member and you need not use a Paypal account. You may use a conventional credit card. They have it set up so that is not immediately obvious, for apparent reasons that they promote themselves, but there is a continue link just above the credit card company logos that allows you to use a regular credit card.

    This is not a recurring charge. The option to set it up that way was offered, but I feel that people most prefer circumstances that do not renew charges. This means that when your benefits expire, you need to go back in and subscribe again with your credit card.
    Last edited by vbfadmin; 10-28-2008, 07:33 PM.
    Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

    Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Gordon Maney View Post
    ...This is not a recurring charge. The option to set it up that was was offered, but I feel that people most prefer circumstances that do not renew charges. This means that when your benefits expire, you need to go back in and subscribe again with your credit card.
    Please explain? It is not a reoccurring charge, but it does expire?
    Is this based upon the number of pictures posted?


    • #3

      First you put in $100.00 then you get deducted $5.00 per picture you post. Cost is extra for fire damage photos... just kiddin! Sorry for your loss but I'm glad no one was hurt.

      Back to reality. What Gordon is saying is that your subscription to the PWA is not automatically renewed and billed to your credit card. If your subscription expires you must manually renew or mail a check.


      • #4
        Yes, as OLD DODGE stated, after the year [or two, if that is what you chose] elapses, your premium user status will expire. You would have to go back in and renew.

        A recurring charge would be if I set the mechanism to do it automatically to your credit card number on file. I don't like that kind of arrangement, so I feel most people would not like that kind of arrangement.

        Just as before, there is no limit on photos.
        Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

        Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


        • #5
          I'd like to reiterate that existing magazine subscribers are already premium forum users and should not register for this through the paid subscription facility. You will not gain any benefit by doing so. If for some reason you are a subscriber and are not receiving the services you expect, please let us know so we can resolve the issue. Thank you for your continued support!


          • #6
            Originally posted by vbfadmin View Post
            I'd like to reiterate that existing magazine subscribers are already premium forum users and should not register for this through the paid subscription facility. You will not gain any benefit by doing so. If for some reason you are a subscriber and are not receiving the services you expect, please let us know so we can resolve the issue. Thank you for your continued support!

            What he said....
            Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

            Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


            • #7
              Going from registered to subscriber

              Gordon, I just renewed may subscription and got my Nov. issue. I was a subscriber from Jan 06 til Jan 08 but let it expire til just now. It was during this lapse that I joined this forum.What's involved in being shown as a subscriber. 712EDF (Bucky Teel Wichita Falls, Tx.76308.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 712edf View Post
                Gordon, I just renewed may subscription and got my Nov. issue. I was a subscriber from Jan 06 til Jan 08 but let it expire til just now. It was during this lapse that I joined this forum.What's involved in being shown as a subscriber. 712EDF (Bucky Teel Wichita Falls, Tx.76308.
                Do you have your user ID number entered in the userCP [user control panel]?

                If you don't, do that, if you do, let me know. Let me know either way. I can fix that.
                Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 712edf View Post
                  Gordon, I just renewed may subscription and got my Nov. issue. I was a subscriber from Jan 06 til Jan 08 but let it expire til just now. It was during this lapse that I joined this forum.What's involved in being shown as a subscriber. 712EDF (Bucky Teel Wichita Falls, Tx.76308.
                  You should be all set.....
                  Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                  Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OLD DODGE View Post
                    ...Back to reality. What Gordon is saying is that your subscription to the PWA is not automatically renewed and billed to your credit card. If your subscription expires you must manually renew or mail a check.
                    Maybe I was having an out of mind experience, as I did not read that this was about the PWA, but rather about a new premium forum service that we could subscribe to...???
                    Perhaps those comma's and new paragraph starts that the Editor here sometimes uses to help out my posts,...could have been used in the original post here?.....= )
                    On the other hand, I've been going non-stop for 11 days...zzzzz...


                    • #11
                      The non-recurring credit card charges concept applies to the forum premium users. This has nothing to do with the magazine.

                      As our technical administrator points out, there is no point in a magazine subscriber paying to be a premium user because a magazine subscriber is getting the same benefits on the forum.
                      Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                      Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MoparNorm View Post
                        Maybe I was having an out of mind experience, as I did not read that this was about the PWA, but rather about a new premium forum service that we could subscribe to...???
                        Perhaps those comma's and new paragraph starts that the Editor here sometimes uses to help out my posts,...could have been used in the original post here?.....= )
                        On the other hand, I've been going non-stop for 11 days...zzzzz...
                        I haven't handled this very well, have I? hahaha

                        I am not sure how Kevin meant that; if he meant it to be a premium user PWA forums subscription, or.... a magazine subscription.

                        Norm, as a magazine subscriber, you have no need or benefit to pay to be a premium forum user.
                        Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                        Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                        • #13
                          I too was very confused by what was stated. I think I've got it now.

                          If you subscribe to the magazine, you are entitled to all the features and benefits of the electronic forum. There is nothing else that you need to buy/purchase and you are experiencing all that is offered. There is no auto renewal.

                          If you don't want to subscribe to the magazine, there is now an option to buy/purchase all the features provided by the electronic forum. These items would be the ability to send private messages, search functions, avatars and image hosting by the forums. This may not be an all inclusive list.

                          Clear as Mud? :o)



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by pieter View Post
                            I too was very confused by what was stated. I think I've got it now.

                            If you subscribe to the magazine, you are entitled to all the features and benefits of the electronic forum. There is nothing else that you need to buy/purchase and you are experiencing all that is offered. There is no auto renewal.

                            If you don't want to subscribe to the magazine, there is now an option to buy/purchase all the features provided by the electronic forum. These items would be the ability to send private messages, search functions, avatars and image hosting by the forums. This may not be an all inclusive list.

                            Clear as Mud? :o)

                            You are correct.

                            I had initially shut off searching for the standard, registered users. That shut off the new post feature, it seemed. I need to study that some more. I may shut it off again. I am uncertain.

                            Your ideas are correct.
                            Power Wagon Advertiser monthly magazine, editor & publisher.

                            Why is it that the inside of old truck cabs smell so good?


                            • #15
                              [QUOTE=OLD DODGE;62875]Norm,

                              First you put in $100.00 then you get deducted $5.00 per picture you post. Cost is extra for fire damage photos... just kiddin! Sorry for your loss but I'm glad no one was hurt.


                              It would seem I missed an important news item here...

                              Norm! Did you burn your marshmellows again or did something more dramatic happen? Sometimes I feel like a mushroom...

                              Hope all is well at your hacienda...

                              1949 B-1 PW (Gus)
                              1955 C-3 PW (Woodrow)
                              2001 Dodge 2500 (Dish...formerly Maney's Mopar)
                              1978 Suzuki GS1000EC (fulfills the need...the need for speed)
                              1954 Ford 860 tractor
                              1966 Chrysler LS 16 sailboat (as yet un-named)
                              UVA UVAM VIVENDO VARIA FITS

