Shot primer on both the hood and the grill after I wet sanded the grill. It needed another coat after I was done.
Mounted the ice chest and water pump for the w2a intercooler and added.
I decided to test out the por 15 epoxy tonight to see how it was going to work on the lower window frame. I'll check it out tomorrow to see how it worked. If it's going to work, I will finish filling in the rusted out portions of the window channel tomorrow and get it reshaped into the a workable piece so I can get it painted and install the lexan windows.

Mounted the ice chest and water pump for the w2a intercooler and added.
I decided to test out the por 15 epoxy tonight to see how it was going to work on the lower window frame. I'll check it out tomorrow to see how it worked. If it's going to work, I will finish filling in the rusted out portions of the window channel tomorrow and get it reshaped into the a workable piece so I can get it painted and install the lexan windows.
