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Power Wagon mud race truck build
Today was a busy day out in the shop. Started out welding the metal plates over where the gauges were originally in the truck. After grinding the welds down flush, I was going to cut out the holes for my small gauges, but evidently I don't have a hole saw the right size, so on top of the 1/4" tap, I need to see if I can find a 1 7/8 hole saw or slightly smaller. I did cut out the location where my switch panel will be located in the center of the dash.
After that, I swept the cab out with the shop vac and then proceeded to tape off everything over about 3 hours. Once it was all taped off, I then started cleaning the truck with some waterbourne wax and grease remover. While waiting on it to finish drying off, I setup my gun and everything on my makeshift bench.
Once dried, I dusted it off with some wax cloth. And started painting.
I shot two heavy coats of epoxy primer on the inside and out of the cab.
The interior I'll just wet sand before putting the color on it. But the outside has a ton of dents in it that I'm going to need to take care of. While painting the cab, I also shot a couple of coats on the inside of my son's front fenders.
tonight I starting on the long process of doing body work on the cab. I put a skim coat all across the top of the truck and started in on some of the other areas. I will let it harden overnight and get out there tomorrow and get that sanded down and start the process over again tomorrow.
While that was drying, I cleaned up the piles of tools laying around and cleaned off a section of the work bench so I could move all the painting stuff to it and free up my saw horses I'm using to do work on and began working on the passenger door. Didn't take any pictures of it tonight, but that door is in rough shape. Hoping I can get it smooth looking.
Today I sanded down some of the filler on the truck. I just can't believe how bad that roof really is. It's going to end up about 90% of it covered with filler to get it smoothed out. After a couple of hours sanding down the first batch of filler with the DA sander, I guide coated it just for fun and long boarded it. Not even close to flat. So I have a new later of filler on it now waiting on it to dry. I'll sand it down tomorrow night and repeat where needed.
Some of the other areas are coming out pretty good with minimum work. but it has a ton of just small little dings in it.
So after I mixed up and spread 3 batches of filler, I went back to work on the passenger side door. I finished welding up the latch area and where the door lock was. I need to see if I can get inside it and try and knock out more of the dent in the door. I also need to figure out what I'm going to do with all the rusted out bottom of the door. I may try that por15 epoxy putty on it to see how it does before messing with in on the windshield frame.
I did get some good news today, my shocks will be here thursday, takes a relief off since I wasn't expecting them for a couple of more weeks.
Hopefully the pictures show up. Flickr changed how they give the links
Thanks, I'm ready to get this truck done and start racing it again.
Tonight was more sanding, to be continued tomorrow... and probably more days that I want to think about. The roof of the truck is to smooth out with that second layer put on. I put the third coat on it tonight and think after this one, it will just be a little touch up left to finish it up. Then it's on to the rest of the cab.
The last two nights have been sand, sand, sand then filler up again on the roof. My arms are worn out from using that long board on the roof for several hours today. I completely sanded the roof the last 2 nights, and tonight I applied a spot coat to the passenger side again and sanded it down after dinner. The roof is starting to look like it's actually smooth. I'll apply a couple more spot coats on tomorrow, and hopefully get it ready for the glaze coat tomorrow night. The rest of the dents and dings are making some progress but I've been pretty focused on the roof as that is the majority of what needed to be done. Hoping to get it to the point where I can shoot another coat of primer on the cab before the weekend is done and get it ready for the color.
Here is the roof of the cab before I started
This how the driver side looks now