Talked to Fenders and more and I'm going to order my rear fenders from them. Getting fenders that are 13" wide with a flat lip on the back side and a about a 1" rolled edge on the outside made of steel. We are worried that the aluminums will crack with all the bouncing around the truck does in the pit. I'll have the fenders drop down 1 1/2 inches below the bottom of the bed so I can use some 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 angle to make bottom supports. They will cost about 150.00 each. Better than the 650.00 they want for repops. I'm also going to cut off the inner fenders but leave the lip in place to help with the rigidity of the fender and will fill in the arch with sheet metal to make it flush with the bed/frame. I will then mount the new fender over that. This will help keep more mud out of the truck bed