We had high winds yesterday afternoon and into evening, and it knocked out power out for about 7 hours. When it went out my son and I heard a loud noise, but we couldn't figure out what it. This morning I went out to my wife's and I's trucks and happened to look over at our meter pole, and saw that the meter had been blown up. Must have been one **** of a surge to blow the meter out like that.

This evening I had to work on my 05 CC 3500 as it wouldn't shift out of 1st gear. I had checked the codes and it said it was the transmission speed sensor, so I picked one of those up today and went to swap them out when I got home from work and found that the wiring side was dislocated from the actual sensor. No wonder it wasn't working.

This evening I had to work on my 05 CC 3500 as it wouldn't shift out of 1st gear. I had checked the codes and it said it was the transmission speed sensor, so I picked one of those up today and went to swap them out when I got home from work and found that the wiring side was dislocated from the actual sensor. No wonder it wasn't working.
