Privacy Statement
All users
of the Power Wagon Advertiser Forums will be
registered. The registration process helps
to prevent abusive posting practices.
Certain information is collected during the
registration process, including a valid
e-mail address for the user. This allows a
verifiable point of contact for resolving
administrative details. It may also be
useful or necessary to provide information
to registered users by e-mail, so it is
critical that a valid e-mail address be
registered at all times.
Most notably, from
a benefit to user point of view, the e-mail
address allows the forum software to send
e-mails to users subscribed to particular
threads that have just gained new posts since
the user's last visit to that thread.
Care is taken at
all times in the administrative handling of
personal information provided during the
registration process, to ensure security both
on and off line. Personal information,
including e-mail addresses, provided in the
process of registration will never be sold or
otherwise provided to other individuals or
Exceptions to this
policy would involve circumstances where legal
action was taken as a result of a user's post,
or a court order requiring such release of
information, as a result of a criminal
Users are solely
responsible for protecting their accounts from
others. Choose a password that is hard to
guess. Do not give your password to others.
Users that are found to be sharing accounts
and passwords with others will be banned from
these forums.