an Article
of the content found on the Power Wagon
Advertiser are written by readers. These
include restoration and technical articles,
event coverage, human interest pieces
involving Dodge trucks, historical articles,
and travelogues. Ask about ideas that you have
for articles, in case you are wondering about
submitted will be posted on the forum, and
only viewed by being a premium forum user.
may send your article in the U.S. Mail, or you
may e-mail it to us. You may attach Microsoft
Word files to your e-mail or you may paste the
text of your article into the body of your
may also send handwritten materials. If you
write your article, it is helpful if your
column of text does not extend all across the
paper. It is easier for me to read and type
when you have a narrower column with the lines
spaced farther apart. Please ask any questions
you may have about this, as it will help me
greatly if you consider these matters when you
do your work. I can tell you how to prepare
your paper for hand written materials.
you have photos to include with your article,
either send original, film camera photos or
high resolution digital images. Do not send
low resolution digital files. Do not send
photos produced on an ink-jet printer, as
those are generally not able to be used. If
you have a lot of high-resolution digital
images, please put them on a CD and send it in
the US Mail. Otherwise, send them to me by
your materials or direct questions to me at: b1pw1948@earthlink.net
may mail articles and photographs to:
Wagon Advertiser
2587 Highway 1
Fairfield, Iowa 52556