The Power Wagon Advertiser
covers Dodge - military and civilian - 4X4 and
6X6 trucks. This includes editorial content,
articles from subscribers, technical articles
and materials, letters, and classified ads.
There is also a bit of the philosophy that we
can all share.
July of 1984, the Power Wagon Advertiser has
been the glue binding Dodge all-wheel-drive
truck enthusiasts together, across the United
States, and all around the world. An ad may
run for up to three consecutive months.
The magazine had been
published monthly since July of 1984. It is
the only magazine in the world covering
Dodge 4X4's and other Dodge all-wheel-drive
trucks exclusively. However due to time,
content availability, and ever increasing
costs of printing and postage the Power Wagon
Advertise magazine is now online.
Premium forum users will
have at there fingertips all of the content
that was in the magazine. To
place adds as a forum user and or commercial
vendor you must be a premium forum user. If
you are currently subscribed to the magazine
your current subscription is good for 3
years of premium forum usage.
Any questions comments and or concerns
please contact me at
To see everything
that is available, for premium users,
Subscribe HERE
Matthew Welcher
Power Wagon Advertiser.
Mail to:
Power Wagon Advertiser
2587 Highway 1
Fairfield, Iowa 52556