Place a classified ad:
subscribers and non-subscribers, may run a
free ad of up to 100 words at Power Wagon
Advertiser for Dodge 4X4 trucks for sale or
wanted, Dodge 4X4 parts for sale or wanted,
and Dodge 4X4 literature for sale or wanted.
You may also advertise a Dodge 4X4 event.
The business ad
rate For Subscribing Businesses is free.
Placing a
photograph in your ad costs Nothing as long as
you are a Paid Subscriber.
may be good quality prints from a film camera,
or you may submit high resolution digital
images. Do not send low resolution digital
images. Do not send prints made on ink-jet
printers from digital images; they are
unsuitable for reproduction. Send me an e-mail
at B1PW1948@earthlink.net
if you have any questions about digital images
and how to submit them. Power Wagon Advertiser
is a great place to advertise, your Dodge
truck wants and needs.
Be sure to word
your ad as you would for any media, meaning
the person may not have access to a computer
to e- mail you. You may include an e-mail
address if you wish, but be certain to list
area code and phone, your first.
Name, and an
address is good, too. At least indicate your
state of residence. As a paid subscription
user you may run your add until you parts and
truck are found, bought and or sold.
To place a photo
add of your Dodge, and or parts Subscribe HERE
send your ad to B1PW1948@earthlink.net
Or, mail your ad to:
Power Wagon
Web Ad
2587 Highway 1
Fairfield, Iowa 52556